Friday, May 13, 2005

Some Links of Interest

In case you missed them:

A couple of weeks ago, Ulrich Speck published a long essay on his Kosmoblog titled "Große Spiele. Zum Zustand der deutschen Außenpolitik.": "The Great Game: On the State of German Foreign Policy". It is a pity that it is not available in English, since even the best American journals of international politics have yet to provide anything like the careful decrypting of the motives of German foreign policy under the “red-green” coalition that Ulrich undertakes. (I use the word “decrypting” advisedly, by the way, since Ulrich’s point of departure is precisely the lack of transparency of “red-green” foreign policy, in contrast, say, to the highly publicized foreign policy objectives of the Bush Administration.) In the meanwhile, however, Ulrich has sketched out some of the elements of his analyses – with particular emphasis on the role of France in this “Great Game” – also in English in conversation with Marc Schulman and various other commentators via this post on the American Future blog.

Also, the British Association of University Teachers (AUT) has more mail. Armand Laferrere has some questions for Sue Blackwell, one of the initiators of the AUT's boycott of two Israeli universities. His letter is on EURSOC.